Saturday, 4 September 2010

A greeting and a threat.

Welcome dear reader to the first of my teachings. I understand that as I write – well, recite these words, my young acolyte is typing them – that they will be broadcast to an audience who can read them on their computers. I have no comprehension of how that could occur but I take it as a confirmation from the Gods that I have embarked upon the right course of action.
What course of action you may ask? That shall be answered duly. Firstly however, who am I, claiming to be offering teachings? I imagine you asking. I reply - who is anyone? Of course, I know the answer to such questions and I will happily divulge it during the course of your instruction.

Indeed I recently attempted to illustrate the true nature of the human being in the snug of the hotel where I currently lodge, using one of those alcoholic beverages which can be set alight. Alas, some of my intended recipients of wisdom did not approach proceedings in an appropriate manner and we were forced to evacuate that room under a cloud of both smoke and a rather ill temper.

Such set-backs have never deflated me and I shall persist in my goal of bringing all to wisdom.
Questions of our true nature aside however, the worldly identity that I currently inhabit is that of Sir Swithin Swift. A child of Albion, I have spent much of my life in India and it is there that I gained enlightenment. I am beyond feelings of either modesty or pride and I am duty-bound to assert that on those sun-blessed shores, under the tutelage of adopted gods, I boarded the vessel that issues one toward isles of bliss; I rose from the turbulent waves of attachment; I freed myself from the yolk of perpetual death and rebirth.

Why should I want to abandon a land which bestowed such gifts upon me? When one is in Samadhi (union with God) one is beyond wants and cares and I have been compelled to return for three reasons – for private family matters, to seek a publisher for a historical novel based on my maternal Uncle’s own enlightenment and most importantly of all, to offer the benefit of my wisdom to the children of my birth-nation.

Of the first two reasons, progress has been indifferent. With regards to publication, my novel will find those it needs to find. Indeed, it is of most interest I suspect to those who are long-dead, with whose deeds it is concerned. With regard to the sharing of wisdom, I have ascertained that there is much to do. More indeed than I ever suspected; for not only is the nation in general fallen into a celebration of ignorance and a worship of delusion, there is a darker threat that I have discovered since my return, a threat to our psychical and even physical existence!
What this threat is and the forces which are marshalling against it (of which I am a part, I would never presume to say leader) and what you might do to counter it, I shall reveal in a future post dear reader.

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