Saturday 27 November 2010

A beatific vision born of a willing sacrifice

I have been recounting my adventures last summer (2010), investigating a haunted house in the Northern town of Wallasey. If you wish to read of how this came about, return to my first post.

Once I had the found the names and the key dates of the last Reverend’s children– the pillared archway of anyone’s temporal existence – I was determined to make contact with their spirits should they reside within the place.

Back at the house I sat in séance again, the effect of which was to reignite the knocking noises. They erupted downstairs and then climbed towards us, thumping through the floor boards toward the bedroom I had taken as my own. Closer they came and I mapped their approach. Past the clock, past the picture of North Wales, up to the threshold of my door. The sounds paused and I sensed a presence hovered there before the noises retreated again. Of the young men, it was Nozz who reacted first.

‘I saw it,’ he cried from the landing, ‘I saw it at that door.’

After much excited shouting and what not, Nozz described a ‘thin, jerky thing, it moved or scuttled, crab-like and then it just vanished.’

Attempts to recreate the experience failed and as we were all in thrall to the cameras, it was collectively decreed that we should return to the public house, leaving the equipment running. Our trek downhill was fuelled by an argument between Nozz and Crass. The latter claimed he was seeking clarification of any factors which might rationalise the other’s sighting. Nozz responded with some vigour, as if he were being accused of hysteria and we attracted some looks as we re-entered the establishment. Indeed, Aquinas was even required to create a fiction to account for the argument – our ruse, to fool the staff and regulars at the pub was that I had recently purchased property in the area and that they were a work gang who were renovating it. I’m not sure how convincing this was, yes, they all wore boiler suits but there was no evidence of labour staining them. Anyhow, the mood of the young men had deteriorated further. They drank quickly and drunkenness was afflicting them. Even myself, with my detachment from my cravings, failed to keep up. I sought to teach them the futility of submitting to such cravings but I may have been lecturing animals. I shall assert again, my mind and spirit are free from any craving save for that of the liberation of all, my body balances my outpourings of wisdom with a penchant for alcohol (as I am attuned to the Soul Supreme, my body can occasionally indulge it’s residual attachments whilst my mind remains ensconced within the cerulean Heaven of perpetual contemplation of the Absolute) and also occasionally, products that emit smoke – as my words wing upwards to the delight of the gods, so may palls of smoke guide them on their way.

Each time we resolved to leave the pub, another round would appear from one of our number, chaining us to the place yet longer. It was past eight o’clock before we were invited to leave. The argument over what should constitute ‘tea’ was deemed threatening and liable to spill into violence by the landlord. It appeared that Moffy had acquired only breakfast things and alcohol on his morning expedition and now there was debate over whether we should cook for ourselves, buy a takeaway or visit a local restaurant. I had nothing to say on such matters. As an enlightened man I am happy to accept the offerings of devotees. As it happened, on this night I was happy to accept the offerings of drunken young men.

Although the day had been bright and the sun still hung over the Irish sea, casting a blinding, molten sheen over the Dee estuary, it was a relief to return to the gloomy interior of the house. It seemed at that moment the day’s light had been too bright, bleaching the land and all of us drank deeply of water once we returned. I feared dehydration may have set into our corporeal frames and I was not the only one who stripped to the waist in a bid to relieve the ache that throbbed within me. I might have swallowed sea water and been left to shrivel in the sun, such was the pain.

Of course, the ill temper, the drinking, the repulsion from sunlight are all manifestations of spirit activity. That is what I expect you, as a potential student, to have realised. Whilst it is fully appropriate to rush to a materialistic explanation for aches and pains, sniffles and pangs when one is bogged down with day to day life, when one is investigating the paranormal, one should interpret any such symptoms in a metaphysical framework first.

Again, I sought refuge in meditation, occupying the hollow space at the top of the stairs. Although I was rehydrated, the ache persisted within me and I envisioned the full moon that would have been visible ascending the sky over the Mersey. Visualising the moon is a highly effective meditation. Any who has travelled on foot at night, or by any other open air means - boat, camel, elephant for example - will understand what I mean when I say that the moon and the starry night can become companions to such a wayfarer. For time out of mind the moon has been referred to as ‘Traveller’s Joy’, a term which has esoteric as well as exoteric meanings. If you ever spend time under the moon, its radiance draws the gaze and awakens a sense of wonder, it impresses itself upon you, it has a presence. In future days and nights, it is easier to invoke the sight and the radiance in the mind’s eye and frequently, a vision will arise in response to such an invocation. At that moment, in-between the silent clock and the landing step, I accepted the light, allowing it to filter into every cell where it waxed into an expansive, radiant flowering that admitted itself throughout my corporeal frame and beyond, filling the entire stairwell. In such states, visions arise and if one allows oneself to accept this visitation from beyond, rather than seeking to shape or rationalise it, then one can be ushered into profound states of awareness. As I sat in the lotus position, pearly light erupting from my being, I beheld a young lady, robed in the billowing night sky and crowned with a circlet of roses, scattering rose petals toward me. Later I would recall the initial vision of the young girl framed in a jewel of light, if it were she again, she was the Tara – Lady Wisdom who bears all to the isles of blessed non-attachment. As the soft, velvety petals fluttered against me, I felt myself arise in a fresh, less tangible body, dawning from the corporeal. I found myself stood within light and all was strangely silent. The lady had passed from view however the petals descended, acquiring a darker, earthier hue as they expanded into fissured, cratered plates beneath me.

At that moment I heard a female voice whisper, ‘roots!’

It was a distinct and vicious utterance, again at my actual ear. Later, I have wondered if it was ‘rooks’ as in the Crow or even ‘rocks’, although I am certain it was ‘roots’ with its multitude of attendant meanings.

For a moment, a peripheral awareness surfaced. The sounds of the young men’s investigation persisted at some distance still, none were close by attempting to record my experiences. There was no trace of any spectres and I swiftly returned into the state of inner absorbtion.
I found that the dark, cratered matter now loomed around me. I could feel it beneath where I sat, cross-legged, upon its cold, leaden surface as minute shivers ground away within it. Around me, eight, smoothed boulders lay and I perceived that they were human skulls positioned in a circle. The light within me, expanded yet further, shooting into the sky where a bulbous chunk of matter descended, as if a rocky, misshapen headed regard me. I felt I was in the company of some titanic presence that lay behind the land, behind the sandstone bluff, the salt-rich winds, the low-lying and sea-choked marsh and which has already leaked into the house.

Traversing the radiance emanating from within, I felt an affinity with the monstrous presence that held me upon itself; I also perceived that within the fissures pitting the substance, there were trails left by the trickle of waters as they probed downward, seeking the mysterious centre. My astral body may have slipped down there certainly, I felt droplets, easing down the stone, until they squeezed between the rock and cold flesh and I understood that stuffed deep into the crevices were human bodies. I felt torrential rains guttering around the flesh and bones, swamping the stagnant crevices, dragging at the remains, urging them deeper into the rock-like substance; I felt the inhalation of the winds eddying through the rock, bearing the stench of corroding human forms deeper inward.

Revulsion sprang upon me, ushering a fresh, vivid sight that exploded around me. The titanic figure had gone and I was in the immediate presence of a squatting female. Although it was barely a few seconds that she was before me, her spidery limbs, hunched around her torso and her sagging, blue-veined skin intensified the horror which I was occasionally prone to, despite my enlightenment. I apprehended the blood which dribbled from a human skull onto her chest and the hooked, pitted tusks piercing her lips, forcing the scabbed flesh aside which scraped together, setting more blood welling and bubbling and spooling onto her chest; her eyes swelled, popping, fixed murderously upon me and as she vanished from view, I recognised her as an aspect of Kali, of the Shakti, of the Great Goddess who must devour before she can renew and I offered my self willingly unto her...

I was rewarded for the dawn of understanding with a beatific vision, this time arising from a solar orb. With the demonic form vanished, I was sat again in the house and in the air of the stairwell, I beheld a long-haired youth, smiling understandingly from a sun-like disc, his features richly burnished with hue of an ocean sunset. His hair was stirred as if with a soft breeze and the gentle light and the air of peace exuded by the male awoke memories of a close friend from my younger days. I took this vision as a positive sign at that moment and along with that of the Moon Goddess ,it would sustain me well through the horrors soon to be unleashed within that house.

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